In my opinion the use of stereotypes in media stems from a lack of curiosity and willingness to understand other cultures, religions and people in general. It can be perceived as tool of storytelling to help further along the narrative. But in most cases and the what the general creatives in the past have done is shortchange the entire audience and cut corners to appease an easy story for whatever reason. The problem I feel now is that now we have an abundance of access to knowledge around the world that it would be harder not to research and explore other cultures. In this day and age any type of discrimination and misjudgment is cast out and quickly corrected and i feel this is due to the misrepresentation and saturation of stereotypes over the years in media there has been countless documented represeentaions and demonizations of entire races that have had very destructive impacts on these communities. I know for a fact that i have personally been affected by the negative images and media that has attempted to portray me and people who look like me for nearly 400 years.

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