Read at least one work by Osamu Tezuka—Karma (Phoenix Vol. 4) (or any other Volume from the Phoenix series), or any volume from the Bhuddha series or the Adolf series for example. Those who want a more advanced insight into the history and culture of manga should read A Drifting Life by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. Also read some of the manga in the list to the right.
For this weeks post i read Bhuddha and Battle Angel.
Both manga i enjoyed maybe Battle Angel more than Bhudda mainly because of the ending ,I felt as if the story was very cinematic and enthralling and invinting but the pay off was left much to be desired. Battle Angel gave me huge ghost in the shell and Akira vibes. In terms of knowledge of Manga and Anime's that is about where my knowledge rests I only recently have seen Akira and have started to revisit the series that i watched as a kid and later on like Full metal alchemist ,ponyo, naruto to see what kind of inspiration i can draw from the Japanese aesthetic.
I have a few japanese artist that i admire but they are mostly fine artist and painters. 

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